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3/1/2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Updated: Jan 11, 2024

Board Meeting 3/1/2023

Called meeting to order at 7:30pm

Present: Kevin Lilly, Darlea Wilbeck, Jean Surles, Alan Hicks and Kristen Howell

  1. Discussed roles for officers and proposed slate of Officer positions. Discussion was held about roles, responsibilities. The following slate was proposed:

    1. President – Kevin Lilly

    2. Director – Grounds – Alan Hicks

    3. Treasurer – Jean Surles

    4. Secretary – Kristen Howell

    5. Director – Directory – Darlea Wilbeck

  2. Discussed pending issues with the budget. Budget was proposed at the Annual Meeting but was not voted on because of issues brought up at that time. Issues included the need to add funds to engage an accountant to assist with end of year accounting issues. Additionally, a discussion was held regarding mowing of the Center property. The homeowners indicated a desire to follow the rules regarding the middle section – since it is owned privately, it was recommended to ask the property owner to mow his property. The budget was finalized and was recommended to submit to the homeowners.

  3. Discussed front entry landscape project. The group recommended going back to get new estimates for front entry beautification project. It was agreed that Alan would get estimates with a few options – to include boulders, seasonal color, a variety of trees and other beds. It was agreed this was an important priority of the board and that getting a great plan and implementing it was an imperative from the homeowners who desire a lovely entrance to the neighborhood. It was discussed that this project had been ‘in the works’ for a number of years with little progress made. It was discussed that homeowners had set an expectation that this was a priority.

  4. It was recommended that we get a new stop sign at the front entrance as ours is quite tired. Kevin agreed to follow up.

  5. Briefly discussed Directory project which was initiated this year but not quite finished. Darlea and Kevin will finalize this and recognize that it is an immediate priority of the homeowners. The Directory will not be printed, but rather will be converted to a website that will also house important community documents. The website will be private for homeowners, but will require homeowners to agree to publish their contact information on it. The form will need to be completed to consent for this. It has been circulated, many have been collected. It will be circulated one more time.

  6. Discussed the road at length. It was asked if curbs are the responsibility of the homeowners or the collective. It was decided that it would be the homeowner’s responsibility, depending on the cause for failure - and that the expert making the assessment should be able to identify the cause. It was discussed that the road is the responsibility of the homeowners association (not for example, the city’s responsibility). It was discussed that we might consider making a pitch to the city to potentially help fund the road. It was discussed as a long-shot, but also one worth pursuing. It was believed that the majority of homeowners wanted to patch the existing road, rather than engage in a complete repaving of the road due to the cost of repaving. There appeared to be no interest in asphalt.

  7. Discussed creating Welcome Baskets for new homeowners with information about local restaurants, vendors and workers. This is a lower priority item, given the number of large-scale projects that are pending. We want to get those done sooner than this. But we hope to consider this in the future.

  8. Discussed the Spring Get Together – often held in early May. Kristen and Darlea to follow up with two homeowners that might be willing to host. Additionally, discussed having a Fall Get Together, as the homeowners enjoy the social time to get together as a group.

  9. Discussed the proposal by the homeowners to create an Architectural Review Committee. Discussed Jim Jennings interest in having a conversation about adding more homeowners to this committee. Will determine a path going forward.

  10. Discussed having monthly meetings for several months, given the high priority items that are in the works.

  11. Discussed notifying the homeowners that the board had been selected and that the revised budget had been approved. Kevin will notify them; from there, Kristen will be the primary communicator to the homeowners.

  12. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm

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